Thursday, October 2, 2008

It never ends, ya know?

So, yesterday was a super busy day. I had reshot the family of six the previous night and spent the whole morning and much of the afternoon post-processing those images. Then I ran J to gymnastics, even though she was extremely tired. We went straight from there over to the Postell's, where I had a meeting with Pastor Andy regarding the church nursery. I can't believe we go to weekly services starting this Sunday! Following that, we had bible study at the Postell's and both girls fell fast asleep on the way home. By that time it was 9pm and as I put Jessica into bed, I realized she felt really hot. Indeed she had a fever and has continued with that and a lot of congestion through today. So...we haven't gotten much school done (again) but I did finally get my kitchen cleaned up, some paperwork taken care of and the bedsheets cleaned. Tomorrow is another day. Maybe I'll be a step closer to getting organized?!?!?

(Photo: N feeding a goat at Hillcrest Apple Orchard)

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