Saturday, January 17, 2009

I got to spend about 3 hours out shooting yesterday, trying to capture some images for a slideshow at Church at the Well. They wanted to play them while Kyle sings God Of This City. I left the girls with their grandparents (as I didn't think having them run around on the train tracks was a good idea) and I had fun, but man was it COLD! I spent many hours last night and today post processing them and I'm quite pleased with how they turned out. I've run out of space on my computer though, so my next big project is to set up my photo filing system and free up some hard drive space.

Monday, January 5, 2009

A Christmas Wedding and a little too much holiday cheer.

So, I'm definitely managing to cut back on outside jobs/projects and really focusing on my family. It's a super nice feeling to be able to keep the house clean, provide good meals, homeschool well, study the bible, take care of my pets and spend quality time with my husband and children. On the same token, however, I seem tired a lot and am totally over-eating (a weight gain of 10+ lbs - yikes!). I guess the first thing I'll be adding into my schedule is a diet and exercise routine. :(

I did get the photos Todd and I took at Kyle and Melissa's wedding processed up. I think these are my favorites from the bunch.