Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's been a loonnnggg time...

After more than a year, I am finally able to jump back into the Dgrin challenges. I just had so much fun shooting again, that I don't even care if I get in the judges' selections. I just know it's great to be getting creative with it again!

Image title: My Cup Runneth Over Challenge theme: Saturated

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Work in progress

Okay, so it doesn't look like much at this point, but it's a start. This is my butterfly and bird garden, or at least the start of it. It was just a small grassy hill that covers the root cellar/storm shelter thingy. I moved all the block in this past weekend and although it's not quite finished, the hardest parts are done. This weekend I hope to finish the hardscaping and maybe get some bulbs in. I can't wait to get the whole thing growing. The birds already love the feeders being there, which I can see from my kitchen window, and the whole area is an unused part of the property that is immediately behind our sunroom. It should make for some spectacular summertime viewing!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Apple Blossoms

This crazy weather, I tell ya. I never thought I would be out in almost freezing weather putting sheets and newspapers over plants, yet here I am. My 2 compact apple trees are actually now in the ground and looking good, just getting ready to get pretty, and tonight is supposed to be in the 20s. We had 80 degree weather this past weekend, and this coming weekend will be in the 70s, yet today we are having snow flurries. It's just not the way it's supposed to be (according to all the seasons books we read!)

I'm heading off to physical therapy in an hour or so. I actually kind of enjoy it. I think it's helping, but I didn't do myself any favors holding toddlers in the nursery yesterday at CHAT. I loved being able to calm some of them down, but my back is paying for it today.